目的 介绍了一种用于精确评价正弦交流电电能及功率既简单又实用的方法 .方法 使用数据采集系统及正弦波拟合法评价电能及功率参数 .结果 与其他方法相比 ,该方法可同时给出正弦电压及电流的幅度、频率、相位差、功率和功率因数等参量 .结论 该方法指标评价全面 ,所有指标均可有效溯源到电压、电流和频率这些基本量上 .分析了评价过程的误差来源 ,获得减小其评价误差的方法 .其核心技术除了波形拟合外 ,还采用了一种性能独特的单频数字滤波器技术来减小评价结果的不确定度 ,并阐述了滤波方法及过程 .
Aim\ A simple and useful evaluation method of the electric power and energy of sinusoidal alternating current is presented. Methods\ By using data acquisition systems and sine wave curve-fitting method. The parameters such as power and power factor are obtained. Results\ Compared with other methods, the amplitude, frequency and phase of sine wave can be given at evaluating the parameters of power and energy. Conclusion\ And all of the specifications can be traced to voltage, current and frequency standard. Besides curve-fitting technique, a special single-frequency-filter is proposed to reduce the uncertainty of evaluation. The source of errors is described, and finally some methods to reduce the uncertainty of evaluation are discussed.
Journal of Test and Measurement Technology