
国际政治格局变化与中非关系:挑战与应对 被引量:1

Changes of the International Political Structure and the Sino-African Relations: Challenges and Countermeasures
摘要 进入新世纪以后,非洲经济快速发展,伴随这一进程而不断深化的南南合作成为推动国际格局演变的重要力量之一。世界各主要国家纷纷调整对非政策,不断拓展在非洲的利益并扩大自身的国际影响力,大国竞逐非洲更趋激烈。国际政治环境的新特点、中非发展状态的新变化以及大国对非战略的新调整给中非关系的发展带来了挑战,也蕴含着机遇。为此,中国应该妥善应对,谋划未来中国对非洲外交的战略与政策。 Since the beginning of the new century, Africa has achieved fast economic development and the South-South cooperation deepened by such a process has become one of the major forces that push the changes of the international political structure. Against this backdrop, Africa has become an arena where big powers compete fiercely, as major countries of the world have adjusted their policies towards Africa, trying hard to broaden their interests and expand their influence in Africa. New features of the international political environment, new changes in the development of China and Africa relations, and new adjustment of big powers' African policies, have brought about new challenges as well as opportunities for the development of the Sino-African relations. In this regard, China should adopt proper countermeasures and design a new diplomatic strategy or policy towards Africa for the future.
作者 陈积敏
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2014年第3期30-44,112-113,共15页 Peace and Development
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