探讨降钙素原检测对慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期(acute exacerbation chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,AECOPD)抗生素使用的指导意义。方法选取2012年3月~2013年3月四会市四会万隆医院收治的AECOPD患者186例(男117例,女69例),年龄64~82岁,平均71.2岁,随机分为2组。常规组抗生素使用由医师按抗生素使用指南决定,PCT组则按PCT水平决定抗生素使用。结果在各类抗生素的使用上,2组比较,差异无统计学意义;但在头孢菌素类中PCT组使用二代的患者更多,而使用三代、四代的患者更少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且PCT组患者的住院费用、抗生素使用费用及抗生素的使用率均低于常规组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论采用PCT检测指导AECOPD患者抗生素的使用能够减少抗生素的使用率、降低住院费用以及抗生素使用费用。
Objective To investigate the procalcitonin test for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation of guiding significance for the use of antibiotics.Methods 186 cases of AECOPD patients were randomly divided into two groups, PCT group of 102 cases,84 cases of the conventional group, routine use of antibiotics in patients by physicians guide decisions on the use of antibiotics,PCT group decided to press PCT levels of antibiotic use.Results The use of various types of antibiotics, there is no significant difference between two groups of patients ,but in the PCT group of cephalosporins in patients using second-generation more,and use three generations, four generations of patients less (P〈0.05); and the PCT group of patients with hospital costs, fees, and the use of antibiotics use of antibiotics were lower than the conventional group (P〈0.05). Conclusion PCT detect the use of antibiotics in patients with AECOPD guidance to reduce antibiotic usage, reduce hospitalization costs and antibiotic usage charges.
Contemporary Medicine
Procalcitonin testing
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Acute exacerbation