随着我国对新生儿急救和护理水平的不断提高,极低出生体重儿(VLBWI)的存活率明显提高。VLBWI主要是指出生儿体重<1500 g的新生儿,VLBWI各器官尚未发育成熟,尤其是胃功能发育不全,需要特殊的护理,营养支持是提高其存活率的关键环节之一,不仅影响近期体重增长和疾病转归,还关系到远期预后。VLBWI应激状况多,常不能直接经口喂养或易出现喂养不耐受状况,需要静脉营养提供足够的能量。喂养方法不当将直接影响VLBWI神经系统发育,而完全静脉营养又容易引起肝脏脂肪变性、胆汁淤积、转氨酶升高等,这种肝损伤甚至可以导致肝功能衰竭,所以需要制订科学合理的喂养策略。本文综述VLBWI营养代谢和需求特点以及早期微量喂养、间歇喂养与持续喂养、选择合适喂养体位、非营养性吸吮、母乳强化剂、抚触等喂养护理措施,使VLBWI得到更为科学、合理的喂养。
With the constantly development of emergency treatments and nursing standard in China,the livability rate of very low birth weight infant (VLBWI) has increasing obviously.VLBWI refers to those infants whose birth weight is below 1500 g and each organ does not develop well especially the function of stomach.Nutrition support is the key link of improving the livability rate which not only influence infant's weight increase and prognosis of disease,but also relate to the prognosis forward.Stress conditions of VLBWI are kind of a lot,which make the infants cannot be fed directly or the feeding intolerance will appear.And the infants need parenteral nutrition to get enough power at this time.Improper feeding method will directly influence the infant's nervous system development and totally support by parenteral nutrition will lead to liver fat changes,cholestasis,transaminase increase etc.Such liver injury could lead to hepatic failure,so the reasonable feeding strategies are needed.The present thesis has made a review of nutrition metabolism and minimal feeding, intermittent feeding and continuous feeding in early stage,and caring strategies including proper feeding position,non-nutritive sucking,human milk fortifier,touching and the like,which aims to make reasonable feeding for the VLBWI.
China Modern Medicine
Very low birth weight infant