
基于图论与排队论的人员疏散优化模型研究 被引量:8

An revised optimized model for urgent human evacuation based on graph theory and queuing theory
摘要 以办公楼火灾事故为场景,着重对人员疏散运动时间进行优化,主要考虑缩短应急疏散过程中的人员反应时间及疏散运动时间,通过选择图论理论对疏散最短路径进行优选,对壅滞时间的优化则选用排队论理论,提出了防止人群排队壅滞的安全判据,构建了一个基于图论与排队论的疏散优化模型。以某办公楼建筑为例进行疏散模拟,研究了其在火灾场景下的出口宽度,疏散通道长度,分支入口数、宽度以及人员移动速度等对疏散时间的影响。结果表明,建立的基于图论与排队论的疏散模型,对于合理设计疏散路线和优化建筑物的出口和通道结构具有一定的实用价值。 The paper is inclined to introduce our optimized simulation model for a renovated optimized model for urgent human evacuation based on the graph theory and queuing theory. It is known that the urgent human evacuation model should be founded on the basis of shortening the human response and reaction time and evacuation executing time, particularly in the case of fire accidents or earthquake urgencies in the large office buildings or high-rise. The simulation model of ours has been developed with its focus put on the study of the optimized project for the human resource evacuation executing time. To solve the problem, the key point is to realize whether the people, say, the office workers, the staff-members of a company or an enterprise, can be safely made to escape from the fire or an earthquake disaster spots does mainly rely on the following two factors: the safety egress time needed and the actually available safety egress time. By the safety egress time needed we mean the time for the human beings to successfully escape from the disaster spots, whereas the available safety egress time means the time or chance that there may exist for the people to get escaped from the disaster. If there exists enough time likely to be used for all the people in the building to get out, the fire or other disaster safety design of this building can be said successful. It is necessary to mention that the basic research of evacuation is actually the study of the various parameters in the process of the evacuation. Such parameters may include the efficiency, the crowd density, the speed of the movement of the people, etc. The evacuation executive time includes the movement evacuation time and the lag time. The time of the evacuation movement includes the floor executive time and stairs executive time. This part of time may not be supposed to have blockades or the blockades were to be very little. It also means to say that the escapers can still keep a certain speed to steer. But the lag time may be very long, because the case of
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期166-171,共6页 Journal of Safety and Environment
关键词 安全工程 人员疏散 图论 排队论 优化模型 safety engineering evacuation graph theory queuing theory optimization model
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