

Epidemiological Characteristics of HIV/AIDS in Suining City,1995-2012
摘要 目的了解遂宁市艾滋病流行现状和特征,为制定预防控制策略提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对遂宁市1995-2012年艾滋病疫情资料进行分析。结果 1995-2012年累计报告HIV/AIDS病例858例;报告发病率由2004年的0.519/10万上升到2012年的8.19/10万。2012年报告发病率最高的船山区达到了12.45/10万,其次是安居区(9.20/10万)和射洪县(6.90/10万);以汉族和常住人口为主,分别占病例总数的98.02%和87.41%;男性感染发病多于女性(χ2=181.66,P<0.05);检测发现的HIV/AIDS主要以其他就诊者检测、检测咨询、手术前检查、性病门诊为主,占病例总数的74.48%;感染途径主要以异性性接触传播,同性传播和注射吸毒传播为主,分别占病例总数的70.16%、16.90%和5.83%。职业分布从高到低分别是农民(27.39%),家政、家务及待业(20.67%),民工(10.84%),工人和其他(8.51%和7.93%)。结论遂宁市艾滋病疫情整体呈上升趋势,感染途径多样化并波及多种人群。性接触传播是主要途径且呈上升态势,注射毒品传播呈下降趋势。在强化对广泛大众健康教育的基础上,加强对发现的艾滋病感染者及病人管理,落实对重点高危行业和重点高危人群的综合干预,仍是今后的重要防治策略。 Objective To understand the epidemic situation of HIV/AIDS in Suining city, and to provide references for formulating prevention and control strategies. Methods Descriptive epidemiological method was adopted to analyze the HIV/AIDS epidemic data in Suining during 1995 - 2012. Results A total of 858 HIV/AIDS cases were reported during the period; the reported incidence rate increased from 0. 519/105 in 2004 to 8. 19/105 in 2012. The highest incidence in 2012 was reported as high as 12.45/105in Chuanshan district, followed by Anju district (9.20/105) and Shehong county (6. 90/105). The cases were dominated by Han nationality and permanent residents, accounting respectively for 98.02% and 87.41%. Male cases were more than female (X2 = 181.66, P 〈 0. 05). The detected cases were mainly from clients of attending other detection, detection consultation, examination before operation and STD clinic, altogether accounting for 74.48% of the total cases. The main infection happened in heterosexual transmission, homosexual transmission and injecting drug, accounting for 70. 16% 16. 90% and 5.83% of the total cases, respectively. Occupation distributions were successively farmers (27.39%) , house workers and unemployed ( 20. 67% ) , peasant workers ( 10. 84% ) and workers and other ( 8.51% and 7.93% ). Conclusion The epidemic situation of AIDS in Suining exhibits an overall upward trend, diversity and spreading to various population. Sexual contact is the main transmission route and shows an upward trend, while the spreading of injecting drug users is decreasing. Based on the extensive public health education, discovery of infected persons, AIDS patient management, implementation of comprehensive intervention on high -risk industry and focus on high -risk groups are still sound control strategies in future.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2014年第5期405-408,共4页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 艾滋病 流行特征控制策略 HIV/AIDS epidemic characteristics control strategy
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