

Research on Agricultural Products Image Based on Brushstrokes
摘要 基于笔划的农产品油画生成是非真实感生成中一个重要的研究方面,它模拟真实画家使用笔划的创作过程,以达到逼真的手绘作品的效果。本文以笔划的方向为线索将基于笔划的农产品油画生成技术分为两类进行研究,即基于图像梯度笔划生成和基于构造笔划生成,然后分别对这两类技术的发展和主要算法进行分析和讨论。最后进行总结,分析两类技术的特点,并对未来基于笔划的农产品油画生成的发展作一个展望。 Agricultural products oil painting rendering, based on brushstrokes, is an import field in non-photorealistic rendering, which simulates real artists' painting process to achieve the effect of realistic hand-painted works. This paper used brushstrokes orientation as a clue to classify agricultural products oil painting rendering techniques into two categories, namely rendering brushstrokes based on image gradient and based on structure, and then offered detailed analysis and discussions on the development of these two technologies, and finally summarized their characteristics and predicted possible future directions in the development of brushstrokes-based agricultural products oil painting rendering.
出处 《农业网络信息》 2014年第2期47-50,共4页 Agriculture Network Information
关键词 非真实感生成 笔划 农产品油画 图像梯度 构造 non-photorealistic rendering brushstrokes agricultural products oil painting image gradient structure
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