Tan Yi Lu is the last comprehensive expression of notes on traditional poetry book. In the way of criticizing poetry, it belongs to the group of supported poems in Song Dynasty. The author focused on discussing the value of literary achievements on poets and poems, and made many incisive explanations of several important issues in the history of Chinese poetry,critical history and academic history. In research methods, Qian broke the barriers of Chinese literature history and the boundaries of Chinese literature and Western literature. In research field, he not only expressed his own literary criticism, but also criticized the existing criticism again.He didn't put his main effort onconstructing of theoretical system, but on comprehensive analysis a lot of ancient Chinese poetry.In academic character, he had a hard-edged, sharp and pungent critical spirit,but not losing the gentleman characters. He did not forget to do self-criticism, having non-secular spirit of innovation.
Journal of Hunan First Normal University
Tan Yi Lu
academic achievement
academic character