
辽东湾滨岸带矿物组合分区及其意义 被引量:5

Provinces of the detrital mineral and their significances on the coastal zone of the Liaodong Bay
摘要 通过对辽东湾55个样品进行矿物分析,共鉴定出48种矿物,其中重矿物39种;选取9种含量较高的优势矿物与特征矿物作为指标,尝试进行Q型聚类分析。结果显示:辽东湾沿岸大致可以分为3个矿物组合区,优势矿物均为闪石类、帘石类和金属矿物;一区(老铁山-复州湾北)金属矿物以钛铁矿为主,特征矿物为石榴子石,复州河及沿岸冲刷为其主要物源,辽东浅滩可能与其有同源性;二区(复州湾北-营口)金属矿物中磁铁矿含量最高,特征矿物为榍石、锆石,受大辽河影响显著;三区(营口-秦皇岛)褐铁矿是金属矿物中主要组分,特征矿物为石榴子石、磷灰石,辽河、六股河对其贡献作用突出。主要因各条河流贡献作用不同,海岸地貌类型差异将研究区划分3个矿物组合区,对深入研究其物源,实施海岸规划保护具有重要的现实意义。 After a mineralogical analysis of 55 samples collected from the Liaodong Bay in the Bohai Sea, 48 minerals have been identified, in which 39 are heavy ones. 9 main minerals which have higher contents and diagnostic minerals are selected as targets for Q type cluster analysis. The research shows that the Liaodong Bay can be divided into three main mineral provinces, and the main mineral assemblages are the amphibole group, the epidotic group and the metallic minerals, respectively. In provinceⅠ (Laotieshan Mountain-the north of the Fuzhou Bay) , the garnet is treated as the diagnostic mineral, and ilmenites take a dominant position of the metallic minerals, all of which are mainly derived from the Fuzhouhe River and the substance eroded from the coast, which may be the same to the Liaodong Shoal. In provinceⅡ (the north of the Fuzhou Bay-Yingkou) , diagnostic minerals mainly include the sphene and the zircon, whose material characteristics are mainly influenced remarkably by the sediments of the Daliaohe River. In addition, the magnetite has the highest content in metallic minerals. In provinceⅢ (Yingkou-Qinhuangdao) , the limonite is the main component in the metallic minerals and diagnostic minerals are the garnet and the apatite, and the detritus from the Liaohe River and Liuguhe River prominently contributes to the mineral composition. Different mineral provinces reflect different coastal geomorphic types, and they are divided into different parts according to different contributions of rivers. This further study will concern about the provenance of minerals; we would make more progress in the coastal planning and protection.
出处 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期268-276,共9页 Marine Science Bulletin
基金 海洋沉积与环境地质国家海洋局重点实验室开放基金(MASEG200803)
关键词 碎屑沉积物 聚类分析 矿物组合区 辽东湾 clastic sediments cluster analysis mineral assemblage Liaodong Bay
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