将 4个小麦样品在 40℃条件下储藏一定时间 ,从多方面研究了小麦蛋白质变化引起面粉品质变化的机理 .结果表明 :小麦蛋白质中部分清蛋白、球蛋白及低相对分子质量麦谷蛋白亚基 ,在小麦储藏过程中通过二硫键形成高相对分子质量麦谷蛋白 ,麦谷蛋白大聚体含量增加 ,从而引起面粉品质的变化 .
The mechanisms of wheat flour quality changes caused by wheat protein changes were studied using four different kinds of wheat seeds stored for a certain periods of time in 40℃.The results show that HMW Glutenins was formed by some part of albumins,globulins and LMW Glutenins of wheat flour by disulphide bonds during storage,so the quality of glutenin macropolymer increases and flour quality changes.The uncovalent bonds also play a certain role in forming glutenin macropolymer.
河南省自然科学基金项目 !(964 0 10 90 0 )