
基于地址加扰的嵌入式系统安全防护研究 被引量:2

Embedded system security study on address scrambling
摘要 为了保护嵌入式地址总线及存储器的安全,本文研究了嵌入式系统存储器数据加密技术,提出了一种地址加扰方法。通过混乱地址映射,能有效防止攻击者构建已知明文攻击模型。将比特置换网络应用于地址加扰,从而实现地址加扰的实时性。对嵌入式系统的初始化做了相应改进,保障了系统引导时的安全性。硬件实现及仿真测试结果证明,与其他嵌入式系统安全防护设计相比,本文设计的加扰系统资源占用少、使用灵活,提高了嵌入式系统的安全性和可靠性。 To protect the security of address bus and storages in embedded system, an address scrambling method based on memory encryption of embedded system was proposed, which could prevent system from "known plaintext attack" by address mixmapping. Considering the characters of address transmission,Benes network was used to scramble the address carrying out none time-lapse of address scrambling. In addition, to ensure on running system's security, some changes of initialization were made. Compared with other security design for embedded system, the results proved that address scrambling method proposed in the paper achieved the unity of security and reliability.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2014年第7期17-20,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 基于特征加密的抗压缩编码语音加密技术研究(61302107)
关键词 片上总线 嵌入式系统 地址加扰 安全存储 On-Chip bus embedded system address scrambling storage safety
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