采用断层气体测试方法 ,对北秦岭地带主要断裂及其活动性进行了测试 ,首次提出了该区断裂活动性测氡成果判别的相对标准。进而对区内典型的氡气测试成果剖面作了解释分析 ,并判别了断裂 (带 )的相对活动强弱与活动水平等有关断裂活动性问题。最后 ,简要地探讨了在北秦岭地区未来可持续发展中断裂 (带 )对其模式及格局的影响。
The authors used radon survey method,measured the radon content on main faults and their activity in Northern Qinling belt, firstly put forward the relative standards for discriminaling randon survey result in relation with fault activity in the belt, interpreted and analyzed the typical randon survey profiles in the belt, discriminated the relative fault activity and activity levels and related problems,and then briefly discussed the effect of the faults on future sustainable development model and framework in Northern Qinling belt.
Journal of Engineering Geology