本文报道柯属Lithocarpus Bl。的新分类群,即17新种,7新变种,新名3,新组合5,对少好的种作了订正。属的中名取名为柯,并作简要的讨论。又文内提到的绝大多数的新种,早在1982年出版的《中国高等植物图鉴》补编Ⅰ里用分种检索的形式作了初报,但全部都是裸名。此外,尚有个别种更改其等级或归并。 本文引用的标本,除属华南植物研究所SCBI外均注明标本的保存单位(标术室缩写代号见植物分类学报20(2):252—256,1982)。
In this paper,new taxa of Lithocarpus B1.including 20 new species,most of those had been described in Icon.Corm.Sin.Suppl.Ⅱ,1982,but all of them were nomina nuda,and 7 new varieties are described,new combinations are made.Some species were misinterpreted by previous authors are here revised.The Chinese name of the genus 'KO' is here employed and also given a brief discussion.This work was carrying on at the beginning of 1962 and partly completed towards the close of 1964 during I was an assistance to my admirable teacher professor Chun,W.Y.in those days.More novelties and additional notes were added after I had consulted specimens conserved in Herbaria of Britian,French and Italy during I paid visit to those countries in 1979 and 1981.I owe professor Chang,Y.T.,a colleague in need,he has made every efforts in complishing this work.Specimens cited in this paper were conserved in herbaria with indications besides those of the herbarium of South China Institute of Botany,Academia Sinica,GuangzhouIn this paper,new taxa of Lithocarpus B1.including 20 new species,most of those had been described in Icon.Corm.Sin.Suppl.Ⅱ,1982,but all of them were nomina nuda,and 7 new varieties are described,new combinations are made.Some species were misinterpreted by previous authors are here revised.The Chinese name of the genus 'KO' is here employed and also given a brief discussion.This work was carrying on at the beginning of 1962 and partly completed towards the close of 1964 during I was an assistance to my admirable teacher professor Chun,W.Y.in those days.More novelties and additional notes were added after I had consulted specimens conserved in Herbaria of Britian,French and Italy during I paid visit to those countries in 1979 and 1981.I owe professor Chang,Y.T.,a colleague in need,he has made every efforts in complishing this work.Specimens cited in this paper were conserved in herbaria with indications besides those of the herbarium of South China Institute of Botany,Academia Sinica,Guangzhou