

An Interpretation on Intersubjectivity and the Rock Art( Part Ⅰ)
摘要 20世纪60年代中期作为学生、20世纪70年代作为初级讲师,我与彼得·乌科(Peter Ucko)和安德莉·罗森菲尔德(Andrée Rosenfeld)一起参与了西班牙北部史前岩画艺术研究项目。这些美丽的绘画和雕刻是在一到两万年以前由梭鲁特(Solutrian)和马格德林(Magdalenian)地区的狩猎采集民所创作的。尽管它们对于其创作者来说具有着丰富的内涵,如今却是静默无声、令人无限神往。我们或许可以寄希望于"读懂"与我们时空相隔的文明的岩画艺术,这种想法已经招致了越来越多的批评,其中大部分的意见我是赞同的。 As a student in the mid -1960s and a junior lecturer in the 1970s, Peter Ucko, Andree Rosenfeld and I in- volved in the prehistoric rock art research project in the north of Spain. These beautiful paintings and sculptures were created by hunter - gatherers in Solutrian and Magdalenian region from ten to twenty thousand years ago. Despite their rich connotations for its creators, now it is silent and infinitely fascinating. Perhaps we can hope to "read" the civilized rock art whose time and space apart. This idea has led to a growing number of critics and I agree with most of the views.
出处 《内蒙古大学艺术学院学报》 2014年第2期99-104,共6页 Journal of Art College of Inner Mongolia University
关键词 岩画 主体间性 澳大利亚 Rock painting Intersubjectivity Anstralia
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