目的全面了解中小学生视力保健行为及其影响因素,为近视防治和教育、卫生部门决策咨询提供科学依据。方法对广东省深圳市中小学生的基本情况及照明环境、用眼习惯等信息进行问卷调查,并采用量表评定视力保健行为。小学1~3年级问卷由父母或其他监护人填写,小学4~6年级及初中学生由教师和课题组成员采用集中自填式问卷法进行调查。结果共调查深圳市重点学校中小学生1 645人和精华学校中小学生2 072人。其中女生(35.3%)、≥15岁(53.2%)、独生子女(39.8%)、父母近视(43.4%)、市区(40.2%)、重点学校(43.5%)近视率偏高。广义线性回归方程结果显示,中小学生年龄增长,用眼时间(B=0.246)及读写习惯(B=0.185)的危险度得分均逐渐增高;男生用眼时间(B=0.391)和用眼强度(B=0.724)的危险度得分高于女生(B=0);父母近视学生的读写习惯(B=0.683)差于父母无近视的学生(B=0);农村学生的视力保健行为(B=0.992)优于城市学生(B=0)。结论用眼时间、读写习惯、用眼强度和视力保健行为受多种因素影响,在中小学生近视形成过程中发挥着重要作用。
Objective To investigate the vision care behaviors and their influence factors among primary and middle school students and to provide references for myopia prevention and policy making. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect individual information, lighting environment, and habits of using eyes among the students in Sbenzhen city, and a scale was used to measure vision care behaviors. The questionnaires for students of grade 1 - 3 were finished by the students' parents and those for grade 4 -6 and for middle school students were finished by the students themselves;all the questionnaires were finished in the classrooms and collected by teachers and research fellows. Results Totally 1 645 key primary and middle school students and 2 072 non-key school students in Shenzhen city were investigated. The rates of myopia in girls (35.3%), students over 15 years of age (53.2%), the only child (39. 8% ), the students with parental myopia(43.4% ) ,students in the city(40. 2% ) ,and key school students(43.5% )were significantly higher than those of the other students. The results of generalized linear model showed that with the increment of age, the adverse scores for time of using eyes(B = 0. 246)and reading and writing increased( B = 0. 185 ). The adverse scores for time(B = 0. 391 )and intensity (B = 0. 724 )of using eyes in the boys were significantly higher than that in the girls ( B = 0) ; the reading and writing habits of the students with parental myopia ( B = 0. 683 ) were worse than those of the students without parental myopia( B = 0) ;the vision care behaviors of rural students (B = 0. 992)were significantly better than those of urban students (B = 0). Conclusion The time and intensity of eyes using, writing habits and vision care behaviors were influenced by many factors which play important roles in the incident of myopia among primary and middle school students.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
vision care