LTE-Advanced(以下简称LTE-A)作为3GPP LTE技术标准的增强版本,它能够提供更大的系统带宽,可获得更高的峰值数据速率和用户频谱效率。为了支持更多的用户业务,也为了满足IMT-Advanced的性能要求,LTEA提出了载波聚合(CA)技术,即对若干个带宽满足一定要求的载波进行聚合形成100 M传输带宽,从而可以实现上行500 Mbit/s、下行1 Gbit/s的峰值数据速率。相比于单载波系统,引入载波聚合技术的LTE-A系统属于多载波系统,其资源调度更为复杂,如何分配多个载波下的物理资源成了急需解决的问题。因此,基于LTE-A载波聚合的系统架构和关键技术,介绍了LTE-A载波聚合的资源调度模型;针对目前存在的LTE-A载波聚合资源调度算法,详细分析了每一种算法的优缺点,并做出了总结。
LTE-Advanced as the evolution version of 3GPP LTE standards, which can provide more bandwidth, so higher peak data rate, higher spectrum efficiency can be achieved. In order to support more user service and meet the require- ments of IMT-Advanced standards, Carrier aggregation technology (CA) is introduced by the 3GPP in LTE-Advanced, which is aggregation of several smaller carriers to sustain system bandwidth up to 100 MHz. This will allow peak target data rates 1 Gbps in the downlink and 500 Mbps in the uplink to be achieved. Compared to the single carrier systems, LTE-A systems with CA technology belongs to the multi-carrier systems, how to allocate resources has become an urgent problem under multiple carriers. In the paper, we present an overview of the system architecture, the key technologies and the re- source scheduling model in LTE-Advanced with carrier aggregation. Then a detailed analysis of the current scheduling algo- rithms are given, in addition to their advantages and disadvantages; finally summary it.
Digital Communications and Networks