
网络电磁空间作战威胁分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Cyber Electromagnetic Space Warfare Threat
摘要 提出了网电空间作战几个需要关注的问题以及解决方案,使得部队可以根据战场具体环境,进行适应性的应用。首先陈述了网电空间作战的特点,接着阐述了在网电空间中军队所要面临、应对的现实威胁。然后针对这些威胁进行了进一步分析,并且确定了战场环境下所需要的基础安全条件。最后从四个层面阐述了网电空间的脆弱性,同时给出了防御措施。该工作可以对确立可实施的网电空间战术以及有效地组织网电空间行动形成支撑。 A cyber warfare scenario is shown,which is applicable on the basis of modern battlefield situations.The scenario removes misconceptions about present cyber warfare properties and defines actual dangers that should be prepared for in the background of the cyberspace.The dangers are analyzed further and the basic security prerequisites are determined.Technologies are proposed that offer the basic necessary for achieving these prerequisites.An organization of cyberspace weaknesses and the correlative defenses in four levels is shown.Conclusions are drawn that demonstrate the manner in which cyber threats should be determined,their likelihood assessed and averted.This knowledge leads to the determination of implementable cyber tactics and effective organization of cyber operations.
作者 栾胜利
机构地区 北京西三环中路
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2014年第6期31-33,37,共4页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 网电空间 网电空间作战 网电空间攻击 网电空间防御 cyberspace cyber warfare cyber attack cyber denfense
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