

Development Trend and Management Policy of Coastal Disaster Prevention Forests in Republic of Korea
摘要 韩国位于东北亚朝鲜半岛南部,3面环海,受海洋性气候影响。韩国海岸及周边区域内常年受到海风、海浪侵蚀,同时受盐害和海啸等灾害的侵袭。特别是2011年3月日本发生的特大海啸让韩国政府开始重新审视韩国的海岸防灾体系。文中简述了韩国海岸防灾林建设及科学研究现状,着重介绍韩国2012—2050年海岸防灾林建设与管理中长期规划,通过实施该规划以期达到减少台风和海啸等自然灾害引起的生命与财产损失,增加生物多样性、扩大碳汇源、改善海岸景观的目标,并探讨韩国未来海岸防灾林政策方向及未来海岸防灾林战略。 Republic of Korea,situated on the south half of Korean Peninsula,is under ocean climate as it is mostly enclosed by ocean. The coastal areas in Korea have been perennially eroded by storms and damaged by salts and tsunami. Korean Government began to consider the protection and development of coastal disaster prevention forest system especially after Japan suffered the tsunami in March 2011. The paper briefed on the current development of coastal disaster prevention forest system and related scientific research,and detailed the middle- and long-term planning for the development and management of coastal disaster prevention forest between 2012 and 2050,which would be used to reduce the life and property losses caused by typhoon and tsunami, increase biodiversity, expand carbon sinks and ameliorate coastal landscapes. Finally,the policy orientation and future strategy for South Korean coastal disaster prevention forest were discussed.
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期67-71,共5页 World Forestry Research
基金 韩国海岸防护林效果分析以及建设技术开发(FE 0401-2012-02)
关键词 海岸防灾林 森林管理 森林政策 韩国 coastal disaster prevention forests forest management forest policy Republic of Korea
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