
三沙设施渔业发展战略研究 被引量:5

Research on the development strategy of the facility fishery in Sansha city
摘要 三沙海域具有丰富的海洋生物资源和岛礁资源,实现三沙海洋强市战略迫切需要发展三沙海洋设施渔业,利用岛礁建设多功能渔港,为三沙渔业发展提供保障。论文介绍了三沙生物资源和岛礁自然条件现状,论述了三沙多功能渔港建设的重要意义与建设要求,分析了三沙多功能渔港建设的发展思路、战略任务与重点研究方向,并提出了加快椎讲三沙设施渔业和多功能治港建设的对策建议。 The marine biological resources and reefs resources in Sansha territorial waters is very rich, It is very important to build multifunction fishing port based on the reefs for the development of fisheries of Sansha city, the construction of multifunction fishing port provide protection for Sansha fisheries development. The paper discusses the strategic positioning and the building ideas of the fishery of Sansha city, and also analysis the research directions and tasks of the fishing port engineering, at last the paper gives the suggestions of how to accelerate fishery facilities and the construction of fishing port in Sansha city.
出处 《中国渔业经济》 2014年第3期5-9,共5页 Chinese Fisheries Economics
关键词 三沙海域 设施渔业 多功能渔港 发展思路 建议 Sansha territorial waters facility fishery multifunction fishing port building ideas suggestions
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