
传播学视野下墨子教育思想的推行 被引量:2

Implementation of Educational Thoughts of Mozi under the Communication Perspective
摘要 墨子在推行自己的思想时,采用的形式多种多样,已经初具传播学的素养。本文试图从传播者、受传者、讯息、传播手段等方面来阐述墨子教育思想的推行。墨子及其弟子组成的墨家学团是直接传播者。其受传者为天下之民。其传播的讯息包括道德教育与技能教育。其传播手段包括组织传播、群体传播、人际传播,墨家学团跟随墨子聚众讲学、游说奔走,该团体进行的即为组织传播;墨子重视学校教育,且经常聚众讲学,这种对群体的传播方式使得有群体目标的受众比较容易接受教育;另外,墨子及其弟子采用劝教、游说、论辩等形式进行的人际之间的传播,也使墨子的教育思想得到了推行。 Mozi has the accomplishment of communication in implementing his ideas, and he used a variety of forms. This paper attempts to explain the implementation of Mozi's educational thoughts from communicator, recipient,messages, means of communication. Mozi and his disciples Mohist school group is the direct communicator. The recipient is the world of the people. The information includes its moral education and skills education. Their means of communication include organizational communication, group communication and interpersonal communication. Mozi and Mohist school group gathered to give lectures, around the countries, this is the organizational communication;Mozi attentions to school education, and he often gathered to give lectures to some groups which have a common target, and make it easier to educate the students; Addition, Mozi and his disciples adopt proselytizing, lobbying,communication and other forms of interpersonal argument between the people to implement his education thoughts.
作者 李建梅
出处 《兵团教育学院学报》 2014年第3期40-43,共4页 Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
关键词 传播学 墨子 教育思想 推行 communication study Mozi educational thoughts carry out
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