对我国正在进行的针对富钴结壳资源调查的地质经济评价工作进行了探讨。对影响富钴结壳资源量评价的几个关键指标 :海山地形及其坡度、富钴结壳覆盖率、厚度、品位、丰度进行了分析 ,提出了沿等高线和垂直于等高线进行勘探网点布设和根据勘探进程合理选择评估方法的建议。鉴于目前我国以勘查圈定矿区为主要目的 ,故暂拟侧重于地质资源量评估。在勘探早期和后期以算术平均法为主 ,中期以克立格法为主。
Geological and economical evaluation methods for on-going Chinese exploration on the cobalt-rich manganese crusts in the Pacific ocean are discussed. The importance of several key indexes including the topography and gradient of seamount, abundance, thickness, coverage and metal grade of crust is emphasized. Survey transect vertical to the bathymetric contour should be integrated with that parallel the water depth contour on the seamount. The resource evaluation method must be correspond with the exploration proceeds. In view of the present objective for the selection of exploration area, the geological method for the resource assessment should be emphasized at the first. Arithmetic average method is suitable for the first and the last stage, and the Kridge method is the best in the middle stage for the evaluation of Co-rich manganese crust.
Geology and Exploration