
新型便携式正电子放射性药物防护装置的设计与研究 被引量:3

A study of designing a novel portable radiological protection device for decreasing occupational exposure from positron imaging agent
摘要 目的:设计新型正电子放射性药物取用、转运及注射防护装置,降低核医学工作人员职业照射剂量。方法:选择钨合金作为防护材料,设计为便携式可分段拆卸的全封闭式注射器(2 ml)防护装置,并增加其他相关配套装置,测量对PET正电子放射性药物18F-氟脱氧葡萄糖(18F-FDG)444 MBq(0.5-2 ml)的防护效能。结果:全封闭注射防护装置针筒防护套正面有效屏蔽为35 mm Pb。配套转运铅提盒有效屏蔽为10 mm Pb。PET正电子放射性药物18F-FDG封闭注射防护装置注射器针筒防护套正面30 cm处剂量率为1.5μSv/h;在距离注射器针筒防护套后部位置30cm处剂量率为0.4μSv/h。设计参数和辐射防护数据达到预期的职业外照射控制目标。结论:新型便携式正电子放射性药物防护装置可以有效降低核医学工作者职业照射剂量,值得推广。 Objective: To design a novel portable radiological protection device for decreasingoccupational exposure from positron imaging agent in nuclear medicine department, whichcan be used to take radiopharmaceutical from synthesis hot cell, transport it to the injectionroom and administrate the tracer to patients. Methods: The device was made of tungstenalloy and consisted of several parts which could be disassembled conveniently. The completeclosed protection device could contain 2 ml syringe. An additional unit(box) was made forfurther protection out of the device. Shielding effect was measured when the syringe in theprotection device contained 444 MBq(0.5-2 ml)F-FDG. Results: Shielding effect was 35 mm Pb in front of the protection device and 10 mm Pb out of the auxiliary protection box. Dose-rate measured at a distance of 30 cm from the front and the rear surface of the device was 1.5 μSv/h and 0.4 μSv/h. The product design parameter and shield effect were committed to its application in workplace to keep the technician safely from the occupational external exposure. Conclusion: The novel portable radiological protection device could reduce occupational exposure effectively and should be widespread in nuclear medicine department.
出处 《中国医学装备》 2014年第6期1-3,共3页 China Medical Equipment
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81071188)"用于原发性肝癌早期诊断和疗效监测的PET/CT动态图像采集及处理模式研究"
关键词 便携式防护仪 正电子显像剂 放射性药物 钨合金 Portable protection device Positron imaging agent Radiopharmaceuticals Tungsten alloy
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