

Optimization on rapid propagation of Mosquito Abjection Vanilla test-tube plantlet in vitro
摘要 以盆栽驱蚊香草的带腋芽茎段为材料,通过无菌操作得到其试管苗,然后通过正交试验设计,以驱蚊香草的株高、茎粗、叶片数、生根数和根长为考察指标,研究光照时间、光照强度、温度、pH值、蔗糖浓度、吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)浓度和吲哚-3-丁酸(IBA)浓度对驱蚊香草试管苗快繁的影响。结果表明其试管苗的最佳快繁条件为:光照时间、光照强度、温度、pH值、蔗糖浓度、IAA浓度、IBA浓度分别为16 h/d、1 800 lx、27℃、5.8、2.5%、0.2 mg/L、0.05 mg/L。 Potted Mosquito Abjection Vanilla stem with axillary bud was used as material, and a series of the aseptic technique was carried out to get the plantlets. Then orthogonal test was implemented as the index of the plant height, stem diameter, the number of leaves, root number and root length, to research the effects of illumination time, light intensity,temperature, pH value, the concentration of sucrose, IAA concentration and IBA concentration on rapid propagation of Mosquito Abjection Vanilla test-tube plantlets in vitro. The results indicated that the optimum conditions for rapid propagation of the plantlets in vitro were as follows: photoperiod 16 h/d, light intensity 1 800 lx, temperature 27 ℃, pH 5.8, with 2.5% of sucrose, 0.2 mg/L of IAA and 0.05 mg/L of IBA concentration.
作者 刘玲玲
出处 《中兽医医药杂志》 2014年第3期21-23,共3页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
基金 甘肃省高等学校研究生导师项目(121901)
关键词 正交法 优选 驱蚊香草 试管苗 快繁条件 orthogonal teat optimization Mosquito Abjection Vanilla test-tube plantlet rapid propagation conditions
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