新经济形式下的网络产业有其独特的价值源泉 ,因此网络企业的价值评定关键在于将网络经济特有的价值指标 (如注册用户数、点击率等 )融入传统的价值评价体系 ,再根据网络产业自身的发展特点提出企业的增长模型 ,从而为企业价值的定量分析提供计量基础。本文试从行业的盈利预测分析入手提出企业的增长模型 ,并以此为基础结合调整后的盈利评价指标 。
The main issue of the Dot-coms analysis is how to integrate the valuation indicates specific to information industry into the traditional value analysis system and to raise business growth model according to the own characteristics of industrial development,which is the base of the quantitative analysis of business value.In this article business growth model can be raised by assessing the industrial profit potential in which the firm is competing and with the result that the Dot-coms intrinsic worth can be obtained by using the profitability index after adjustment.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics