

Special Modular Machine for Solution of Cutting Groove of Compound Material
摘要 文章介绍了一种解决多种难加工材料复合件专机加工方案(牵引电机转子开槽),采用结构刚性和精度保持性好、生产效率高的专用卧式铣削组合机床,刀具选用了应用国际先进技术设计制造的专用三面刃铣刀,新的加工设备结合新的铣削加工工艺,比原加工工艺提高了生产效率,尺寸精度稳定可靠,降低了加工成本。 This paper introduces a special modular milling machine for solution of compound material with excellent structure rigidity, good precision maintenance and high productivity. The machine uses special side and face milling cutter which is designed and manufactured with advanced technology. The new machine combined with novel milling process has better production efficiency, stable and reliable dimensional precision than the traditional ways. Besides, the machining cost is also reduced.
作者 杨健 王一展
出处 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2014年第6期121-123,共3页 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
关键词 电机转子开槽 复合材料 组合机床 机床刚性 三面刃铣刀 slotting of motor rotor compound material modular machine machine rigidity side and face milling cutter
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