
控制室和现场机柜室电缆进线密封设计探讨 被引量:3

Research on Cable Entry Seal Design of Control Room and Field Auxiliary Room
摘要 控制室(CR)和现场机柜室(FAR)电缆进线方案的确定及进线洞口的密封设计,既与安全有关,也与室内的操作环境和人身健康有关,应给予足够重视。探讨分析了石油化工装置CR和FAR常用的电缆进线密封形式,不论采取哪种进线方式,其进线口的密封形式选择与设计是设计人员必须认真对待的工作,它涉及安全、施工、维护、投资等诸多方面内容。最后结合工程实践阐述了几种密封形式设计中应注意的问题及建议。 The determination of cable entry scheme and design of cable entry seal of control room(CR) and field auxiliary room(FAR) need to be taken seriously by designer,which is related to safety,operating environment and health.No matter in which way cable enters CR and FAR,the selection and design of seal form for cable entry are very important in the CR and FAR of petrochemical plant,related to safety,construction,maintenance,investment,etc.Combining with engineering practice,several problems and suggestions that should be paid attention to are expounded in the design of seal form.
作者 王同尧
出处 《石油化工自动化》 CAS 2014年第3期14-16,59,共4页 Automation in Petro-chemical Industry
关键词 电缆进线 密封形式 抗爆 防火 防水 气密 cable entry seal form blast-resistant fire proof water tightness air tightness
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