
传统的再发明:“新丝绸之路经济带”观念与实践——社会学新制度主义在地区国际合作研究中的探索 被引量:9

The Reinvention of Tradition:The Concept and Practice for “New Silk Road Economic Belt” ——New Sociological Institutionalism in Regional Cooperation Studies
摘要 "新丝绸之路经济带"是在特定的地区发展环境中被提出的。作为一项新的地区发展计划,"新丝绸之路经济带"的观念需要被广大欧亚大陆国家认可、具备合法性之后,才能起到路线图的作用。中国政府通过发掘"古丝绸之路"的历史遗产,进行传统的再发明,试图建构地区共同体,进而重构地区国家间的社会关系。观念的制度化需要特定的场域,在中亚存在多元地区主义的竞争,基于历史合法性的"新丝绸之路经济带"观念还需要加以充实。尽管其界定了地区成员国的利益范畴,但并不足以成为集体行动的全部动力,观念的发明者还需提供更多的利益诱导来获取合作者的支持。这一过程展现了国家"文本"背后的意图,即如何建构一项合作观念、表达观念潜在的利益和寻求观念的制度化,从而为理解观念、利益与制度之间的关系提供一个新的可能维度。 The concept of 'New Silk Road Economic Belt' is presented against certain regional background. Only when the concept, as a new regional development program, is approved and has certain legitimacy, can it be a road-map. Through exploring heritages of the ancient 'Silk Road' and reinvention of traditions, the Chinese government attempts to construct a regional community in order to reconstruct new social relations among countries in this region. The institutionalization of concept requires a specific social context. There exists competition of multiple regionalisms in Central Asia, where the 'New Silk Road Economic Belt' concept based on historic legitimacy needs to be enriched. Although it is defined in the concept the domains of regional interests for members, yet it is not enough to become all motives for collective actions. The inventor of the concept needs to provide more benefits to get support from partners. This process demonstrates the intent of national 'text', namely, how to construct a concept of cooperation, how to express potential benefits of the concept and to seek to institutionalize the concept, so as to provide a new possible dimension to understand the relationship among concept, institution and interests.
作者 连雪君
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期91-114,共24页 Russian Studies
基金 上海大学"十二五"内涵建设项目"都市社会发展与智慧城市建设"资助的"高铁:欧亚大陆经济整合与中国21世纪大战略"课题的阶段性成果
关键词 “新丝绸之路经济带” 上合组织交通合作 中国高铁 'New Silk Road Economic Belt',the SCO Transportation Cooperation,Chinese High-speed Train System
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