分别从健康的水稻植株、感染纹枯病Thanatephoruscucumeris水稻植株根系、茎、叶以及根际土壤、秧田水、菌核上分离出了能拮抗纹枯病的细菌近 150株。在实验室内测定 ,大多数菌株对纹枯病菌丝有较强的抑制作用。选用其中拮抗作用强 ,具代表性的 5个菌株H50 、B3 4 、B2 5、G2 2 和T12 2 ,分别进行了抑菌率、致畸性、对菌核的萌发、形成的影响度等抗生性检测 ,并在液培条件下检测其对水稻的出苗率、叶片及根系干重的促生性 ,结果表明 ,T12 2 、H50 和B2 5防治水稻纹枯病有较大潜力。经田间试验表明 ,混合菌H50 +B3 4 +G2 2
One hundred and fifty bacterial strains isolated from healthy and infected rice plants,rhizosphere soil,water in paddy field and sclerotia showed antagonism to Thanatephorus cucumeris. Most of them inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen in vitro. Inhibition rate, deformation effect, formation and germination effect of sclerotia of 5 strains, H 50 ,B 34 ,B 25 ,G 22 and T 122 with strong antagonistic effect were studied. Then the growth_promoting effect of the 5 strains on emergence rate, dry weight of shoot system and root system in liquid culture were tested. The results indicated that H 50 and T 122 were potential promising in biocontrol of rice sheath blight. It showed that the control effect of spraying of H 50 +B 34 +G 22 were better in the field test. -
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences