

Novel kind of controlled generator on GF(3)
摘要 构造了一类新型的GF(3)上的控制序列,它是由两个GF(3)上的线性移位寄存器(LFSR)构成。详细给出两条mm-序列控制下的GF(3)上新型控制生成器的性质,研究表明:新型控制生成器生成序列周期长,线性复杂度高,是防攻击能力强,稳定性好的新型模型。 This paper constructed a new sequence of controlled generator on GF(3) which consists of two Linear Feed Shift Register (LFSR) sequences of GF(3). The quality of the controlled generator that generated by two mm- sequences on GF(3) was proposed detailedly in this article. It is shown that the least period and the linear complexity of the new controlled generator are superior. The new model has powerful ability of preventing attacks and better stability in general.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第A01期64-65,73,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 周期 线性复杂度 mm-序列 符号分布 重量周期 period linear complexity mm-sequence symbol distribution weight cycle
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