采用常规生化检测方法测定了拉萨河尖裸鲤(Oxygymnocypris stewartii)肌肉主要营养成分,并首次对肌肉中的23种脂肪酸进行检测。结果显示:拉萨河尖裸鲤肌肉(干样)中蛋白质含量为74.40%,4种微量营养元素钙(Ca)1.85%、镁(Mg)1.48%、钾(K)1.68%、磷(P)0.68%;肌肉中含有17种氨基酸,其中7种人体必需氨基酸总量为25.96%,4种鲜味氨基酸的总量为23.39%;肌肉中含量较高的23种脂肪酸中,n-3型(EPA)与n-6型(DHA)含量分别为39.27%和5.38%,比其他淡水经济鱼类含量高。研究表明拉萨河尖裸鲤具有较高的食用价值和开发前景。
The major nutritional composition in muscle of Oxygymnocypris stewartii in Lhasa River was mea-sured by conventional biochemistry methods. The results showed that dry muscle of Oxygymnocypris stewartiicontents 74.40% of protein and four different kinds of micro-nutrition such as Ca(1.85%), Mg(1.48%), K(1.68%) and P(0.68%). There were 17 common amino acids including 7 essential human needs amino acids(25.96%) and four flavor amino acids(23.39%) in the sample of dry muscle. The contents of EPA and DHAamong 23 fatty acids were 39.27% and 5.38% in the dry muscle sample, respectively. This indicates that EPAand DHA was higher in muscle of Oxygymnocypris stewartii than that in other economic fresh water fish. It canbe concluded that Oxygymnocypris stewartii in Lhasa River is one of freshwater fishes with better nutritional val-ue and development prospects.
Oxygymnocypris stewartii in Lhasa River
muscle components analysis
nutrition evalution