目的在染色体畸变分析实验中,探讨与常规方法相比较改良法秋水仙素处理技术的应用价值。方法采取30份样本,每份标本分成两份,分别采用A方法(常规法)和B方法(改良法)进行细胞培养和秋水仙素处理。然后均给予细胞收集、离心、固定、制片和染色等步骤。镜检计算每种方法的有丝分裂指数。然后利用SPSS 17.0软件进行t检验分析(P<0.05时有统计学差异)。结果两种方法处理后的细胞均生长良好,分裂指数高,均能够满足分析要求。两种方法所得有丝分裂指数比较,无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论改良法秋水仙素处理技术具有秋水仙素用量少,毒性低,可控性好等优势,且实验效果可靠,具有推广价值。
Objective To investigate the value of improved colchicines application method in chromosome aberrations experiment,compared with the conventional method. Methods To take 30 samples, each sample was divided into two parts, which were cultured and dealed with Method A (conventional method) and Method B (improved method of). The matured cells, which were collected and centrifuged, with discarding the supernatant, were fixed、dyed and observated at low magnification. The mitotic index were calculated.Then t-test was used with SPSS 17.0 for statistical analysis (P〈0.05 means that there are significant differences). Result The cells were cultured well in two ways, with high mitotic index, which were able to meet the analytical requirements. The results means that there were no significant difference (P〉0.05). Conclusion Improved colchicines application method had the advantages of less use dosage of colchicines, less toxicity, better controllability, and reliable experimental results, which had promotional value.
Guide of China Medicine
Improved colchicines application method
Chromosome aberrations