采用EMTP软件,构建1 000 kV GIS配电装置的雷电侵入波计算模型,计算某典型1 000 kV GIS配电装置的雷电侵入过电压。根据计算,该1 000 kV典型配电装置在主变、母线和出线均配置额定电压828 kV金属氧化物避雷器,且主变进线避雷器布置在近主变侧情况下,正常运行方式下,各设备雷电侵入过电压在设备耐受水平内;当进线保护段杆塔倾角按0°设置或减小地线保护角后,单线运行方式下的雷电侵入过电压在设备耐受水平内。
The computation model of lightning impinging surge to 1000 kV GIS distribution installation is set up by using EMTP software. Based on such calculation, when metal oxide surge arresters (MOA) with rated voltage of 828 kV are installed at the main transformer, busbar and outgoing line to such 1 000 kV typical distribution installation, and the entering line MOA is close to the main transformer side, the overvohages induced by the lightning impinging surge are below the withstand levels for these equipment during normal operation. When the obliquity of towers in the protection distance of overhead line connected to the substation is 0° or the shielding angle of the grounding wire is reduced, the overvohages induced by the lightning impinging surge are below the withstand levels for these equipment under single line operation.
Insulators and Surge Arresters