目的使用Real-Time PCR检测脊髓钝挫伤后不同时间点Vimentin基因表达变化。方法 SD成年雌性大鼠,随机分为假手术组、脊髓挫伤6h组,脊髓挫伤5d,组脊髓挫伤14d组。大鼠于术后6h、5d及14d取损伤脊髓进行Real-Time PCR,对Vimentin基因表达进行定量分析。结果 Real-Time PCR发现假手术组Vimentin表达较少,脊髓钝挫伤后6hVimentin表达较假手术组增加,具有显著性(P<0.01),Vimentin表达达到高峰后逐渐下降,脊髓钝挫伤5d及14d时Vimentin表达较6h组显著降低(P<0.01),14d时接近正常水平。结论脊髓钝挫伤后大鼠Vimentin基因表达水平于损伤早期显著上升,之后下降逐渐恢复致正常水平,Vimentin的在脊髓损伤后基因的表达变化为脊髓损伤机制研究提供理论依据。
Objective This study aimed to investigate Vimentin gene expression change at different time following spinal cord contusion. Methods Adult female SD rats were randomly divided into four groups.. Sham group; spinal cord contusion 6h group; spinal cord contusion 5d group; spinal cord contusion 14d group. Real-Time PCR was used to investigate the Vimentin gene expression at 6h,Sd,14d following spinal cord contusion. Results Real-Time PCR found that fewer Vimentin expression in sham group. An significant increasing expression of Vimentin was discovered in contusion 6h group compared with sham group (P〈0.01) ,which reached peak. Moreover, Vimentin expression gradually decreased in contusion 5d and 14d group,which Vimentin expression was significantly lower than 6h group (P〈0. 01) ,and the expression of Vimentin closed normal level in contusion 14d. Conclusion The gene expression of Vimentin increased rapidly in the early stage of spinal cord contusion rats,and gradually returned to normal levels in 14d contusion rats. Those suggested that vimentin gene expression change involved in the mechanism of spinal cord contusion.
Sichuan Journal of Anatomy