针对存储模块中的大量数据高速的上传至上位机的问题,采用了基于嵌入式Linux的网络服务器的方法,使用MPC8313E做主控芯片,进行网络套接字编程,通过千兆以太网将数据传输到上位机,经测试验证,系统传输速率达104 Mbit·s-1,可满足实际系统要求。
This article adopts the approach based on embedded Linux network server for the high-speed uploading of large amount of data in memory module to the host computer. We use MPC8313E as master chip for network socket programming and transmit data to the host computer via Gigabit Ethernet. Tests show that the transfer rate of the system is up to 104 Mbit · s^-1 and can meet the requirements of the actual system.
Electronic Science and Technology