
我国劳务派遣制度改革的误区与矫正 被引量:45

The Erroneous Zone and Rectification of the Reform of the Labor Dispatch System in China
摘要 劳务派遣是现代劳动力市场中的一种灵活用工形式。从世界范围来看,劳务派遣制度在西方一些成熟市场经济国家正经历着从最初限制到逐步放松管制的转型。我国劳务派遣通过《劳动合同法》首次入法并正式制度化的同时,却面临劳动法理论滞后与法律规制缺位的双重困境,以及如何依法治理的纠结。在对劳务派遣认识不足的情形下,该制度改革的主要误区有:在价值理念上以计划经济背景下形成的标准劳动用工来评价劳务派遣这种非标准劳动用工,在制度设计上表现为立法价值取向矛盾、立法规制重点本末倒置、立法技术粗糙失范与立法效果自相矛盾等。劳务派遣的"逆改革"不仅将现有制度带入"深水区",并将导致诸多问题。改革之道首先在于正本清源,回归劳务派遣制度应有的价值功能,统领改革方向与思路;其次在于重塑劳务派遣制度改革的价值理念,核心是以非标准劳动关系及其法律治理来认识劳务派遣,为我国劳务派遣制度改革提供正确的"意思场域";最后是再造劳务派遣法律规制的制度设计,在严格限制劳务派遣的适用范围、优化行业准入与过程管制、理顺法律关系与合理配置权利义务、强化违法成本与责任等方面,实施我国劳务派遣制度改革的"一揽子"配套方略。 Labor dispatch is an important flexible form of employment in the modern labor market.From the global viewpoint,labor dispatch system is experiencing significant transformation from restriction at the intitial stage to the gradual deregulation recentey in some western mature market economy countries.When labor dispatch first entered into the 'labor contract law' and formal institutionalized in China,it has faced with the double dilemmas which included labor law theory lag and the absence of legal regulation,and the trade-off of how to governance labor dispatch according to the law.Under the situation of insufficient understanding of labor dispatch system,the following are the main erroneous zones of reform:first is using standard workers formed under the background of planned economy to evaluate labor dispatch the non-standard labor employment on the value concept;second is performing that the value orientation of legislation displaced,to regulate key put the cart before the horse,legislation technology rough loss and legislative effect is contradictory in the system design.Labor dispatch,the 'inverse reform',will not only bring the existing system into the deepwater area,but also cause many problems.The way of reform,first of all is that radically reforming,returning the value function of labor dispatch system,leading the direction and the train of thought of the reform;the second is that reshapeing the value concept of the reform of the labor dispatch system,providing the correct 'mean field' for the labor dispatch system reform in China;the last is diat reengineering system design of the labor dispatch legal regulation,in strictly limited the applicable scope of the labor dispatch,optimization of industry admittance and process control,straighten out the legal relationship and the rational allocation of rights and obligations,strengthen the illegal cost and responsibility,etc.,full implementing of the 'package' matching strategy of the reform of the labor dispatch system in China.
作者 李雄
机构地区 西南政法大学
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期30-42,176-177,共13页 The Jurist
基金 西南政法大学校级重点课题“我国法律硕士教育职业化定位与发展进路研究”(2012-XZZD14)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 劳务派遣 劳务派遣制度改革 非标准劳动用工 Labor Dispatch System Reform Erroneous Zone Rectification
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