采用草酸腐蚀方法和光学显微分析 ,研究了 0 0 0 Cr2 6 Mo1、0 0 0 Cr30 Mo2和 0 0 0 Cr2 6 Mo1 Nb几种材料对晶间腐蚀的敏感性 .试验表明0 0 0 Cr2 6 Mo1钢在固溶状态下抗腐蚀性良好 ,但在焊后或敏化处理状态存在一定程度的晶间腐蚀敏感性 ,而 0 0 0 Cr2 6 Mo1 Nb钢在三种状态下对晶间腐蚀不敏感 .本试验参照美国 ASTM:A736 - 86标准 (草酸法检测铁素体不锈钢对晶间腐蚀敏感性的规程 )中的 W-试验 .试验结果与 X-试验( Fe2 ( SO4) 3- H2 SO4腐蚀试验 )比较得出草酸腐蚀方法是一种正确、快速而灵敏的检测材料晶间腐蚀的手段 .
The susceptibility to intergranular corrosion of several kinds of matetials (000Cr26Mo1,000Cr30Mo2 and 000Cr26Mo1Nb) was studied by the use of oxalic acid test and metallurgical microscope analysis.The test shows that 000Cr26Mo1 steel has good resistance to intergranular corrosion in solid solution treated condition,but it has some extent of intergranular attack in post welded or sensitizing treated condition.However,000Cr26Mo1Nb are not susceptible to interganular attack in either solid treated,sensitizing treated or post welded condition.This test is carried out by W practice of American ASTM:A736 86(Standard practices for detecting susceptibility to intergranular attack in ferritic stainless steels).By comparing with X practice (ferrite sulfate sulfuric acid corrosion test),the oxalic acid test was proved to be a right,swift and sensitive test to evaluate the material susceptibility to interanular attack.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Technology