
集体谈判与收入不平等:美国、法国和瑞典的比较 被引量:2

Collective Bargaining and Income Inequality: A Comparison of US, France and Sweden
摘要 文章从历史发展的角度讨论了工会、集体谈判与收入分配不平等的关系。首先,根据工会密度和集体谈判覆盖率的不同,可以将发达国家分成三种类型,并选出美国、法国、瑞典分别作为典型代表,分析三个国家工会和集体谈判制度的特征。其次,通过对三国工资十分位法和基尼系数的分析,指出工会在集体谈判中采用标准化工资率策略,通过其挤压效应和威胁效应,缩小工资差距和收入分配不平等程度。最后,分析我国的高工会密度、低集体谈判覆盖率的现状和问题,为此需要继续发展工会组织、提高行业性和区域性工资协商的覆盖范围,发挥集体协商在初次分配中的作用。 The paper discusses the relationship between trade union, collective bargaining and income inequality. Firstly, based on union density and collective bargaining coverage, there are three models in relating to income disparity, and US, France, and Sweden are selected as example of each model. The characteristics and institutional change are explained in these countries. Secondly, through the comparison of wage dispersion, using deciles method, and income inequality, using Gini coefficient, it is clear to see that collective bargaining can decrease the wage dispersion and inequality and the standard wage rate strategy, holding by unions, is the main reason for such result. At last, the paper illustrates China is at the stage of high tmion density and low collective bargaining coverage, so it is necessary to furthering the development of unions and collective contract coverage to improve the income inequality problem.
作者 孙兆阳
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2014年第11期106-114,共9页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 中国社会科学院青年启动基金项目"中国工会与工资差距"(201208A2) 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所项目"虚拟股份的激励作用和对收入分配的影响"资助
关键词 工会 集体谈判 工资差距 基尼系数 Trade Union Collective Bargaining Wage Dispersion Gini Coefficient
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