面对高科技革命的浪潮 ,如何回应这种历史性的机遇和挑战 ?邓小平和哈贝马斯这两位时代的巨人提出了同一命题 :“科学技术是第一生产力” ,然而却产生了完全不同的理论结局 ,这是两种不同的声音。从科技和社会生产力的关系、科技的社会性作用和科技的合理性问题等角度进行分析 ,凸现出这一命题在发达资本主义社会和发展中的社会主义国家所具有的不同内涵。
Facing the tide of revolution of the advanced science and technology, how should we respond to the historic opportunity and challenge? Deng Xiao\|ping and Habermas both raised the same proposition: “Science and technology are the first productive forces”, but they have completely led to different theoreticl results, which are two different voices. Analyses from viewpoints of the relation between technology and social productive force, of the social function of technology, and of the rationality of technology make salient the conclusion that the same proposition possesses different inner contents in the advanced capitalist society and the developing socialist countries. This kind of research may have a kind of theoretical significance in guiding the strategy of developing science and technology in our country.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)