利用高分辨率瞬时激光光谱技术,研究了 H2(1,1)与CO2碰撞中的能量转移。受激拉曼泵浦把 H2(0,1)激发到 H2(1,1)能级,H2(1,1)与 CO2碰撞,使 CO2的振转态得到布居,通过泛频吸收得到 CO2(00^0 0)和(00^0 1)的转动态分布,测量 H2(0,1)和 H2(1,1)的CARS(相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射)谱,得到这二个能级布居数密度之比,而 H2(0,1)密度通过在池温300 K下 H2(v=0)的转动Boltzmann分布得到。碰撞转移速率系数由一个速率方程得到,对于CO2(00^0 0)J=48~76,速率系数ktr从(3.9±0.8)×10^-11单调递增到(1.4±0.3)×10^-10 cm^3·molecule^-1·s^-1,而对于(00^0 1)J=5~33,速率系数均在(4.3±0.9)×10^-12 cm^3·molecule^-1·s^-1附近。随 H2(1,1)的激发,在0.5μs 内测量CO2(00^0 0)和(00^0 1)原生态的转动布居,得到玻尔兹曼转动温度Trot,对于(00^0 0)态,有Trot=1100 K,对于(00^0 1)态有Trot=310 K,与池温接近。利用泛频吸收线的多普勒增宽测量,得到CO2各转动态的实验室平移温度Ttran和质心平移温度Trel ,对于(00^0 0)J=48和76,Trel分别为454和1532 K,平动能平均变化在231~1848 cm^-1之间,而对于(00^0 1)J=5~33,平均平动能基本无变化。
Energy transfer in H2 (1 ,1 )+CO2 collisions was investigated using high resolution transient laser spectroscopy.Rota-tional state selective excitation ofν= 1 for rotational level J= 1 was achieved by stimulated Raman pumping.Energy gain into CO2 resulting from collisions with H2 (1,1)was probed using transient absorption techniques,Distributions of nascent CO2 rota-tional populations in both the ground (00^0 0)state and the vibrationally excited (00^0 1)state were determined from overtone ab-sorption measurements.Translational energy distributions of the recoiling CO2 in individual rovibrational states were determined through measurement of Doppler-broadened transient line shapes.A kinetic model was developed to describe rates for appearance of CO2 states resulting from collisions with H2 (1 ,1 ).From scanned CARS(coherent anti-stokes raman scattering)the spectral peaks population ratio n0/n1 was obtained,where n0 and n1 represent the number densities of H2 at the levels (0,1)and (1,1), respectively.Using rotational Boltzmann distribution of H2 (ν= 0)at 300 K,n1 was yielded.Values for rate coefficients were ob-tained using data for CO2(00^0 0)J= 48 to 76 and CO2(00^0 1)J= 5 to 33.The rate coefficients derived from appearance of the (00^0 0)state have values of ktr= (3. 9±0. 8)×10^-11 cm3 ·molecule^-1 ·s^-1 for J= 48 and ktr= (1. 4±0. 3)×10^-10 cm^3 ·mole-cule^-1 ·s-^1 for J= 76,with a monotonic increase for the higher J states.For the (00^0 1)state,values of ktr remain fairly con-stant at ktr= (4. 3±0. 9)×10^-12 cm^3 ·molecule^-1 ·s^-1 .Rotational populations for the nascent CO2 states were measured at 0. 5μs following excitation of H2 .The transient population for each state was fit using a Boltzmann rotational distribution.The CO2 (00^0 0)J= 48~76 rotational states were populated substantially relative to the initial 300 K CO2 distributions,and the distribu-tion is described by Trot.The excited (00^0 1 )state has Trot= 310
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis