目的:评价西沙必利混悬液对婴幼儿胃食管反流病的效果。方法:病例为儿科门诊年龄在3月-36月之间就诊前3天未使用过胃肠道促动力药的胃食管反流病患儿共72例,按随机编号分别给予保守治疗(饮食和体位治疗:喂以稠食、稠乳,少量多餐,进食后采用 30°-45°半卧位 30分钟至 1小时)和保守治疗加西沙必利混悬液治疗(0. 2 mg/kg,tid,餐前 15-20分钟口服)。结果:共有67例完成本研究。治疗组总有效率为97. 14%,对照组为56.25%,x^2=16. 05,P<0. 01。结论:西沙必利混悬液对婴幼儿胃食管反流病有良好疗效。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of prepulsid suspension in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) of young children. Method: Seventy two young children who suffered from GERD had been randomly allocated into twogroups. One group was treated with conservative treatment, and the other was given prepulsid suspension in addition. Results: Sixty seven patients completed the trial. In treatment group and control gronp, the overall efficacious rate was 97. 14 % and 56. 25 %, respectively (x2 = 16. 05, P < 0. 01). Conclusion: Prepulsid suspension has good efficacy on GERD of young children.
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy