利用常规低塑性粉土和低塑性粘土的性质参数,计算分析了Duncan-Chang模型中初始切线模量E i和切线模量E t受侧向主应力σ3的影响,并分别总结了影响规律,以加深工程人员对Duncan-Chang模型的了解,更加合理地利用该模型对土体进行分析。
This paper used the properties parameters of conventional low plasticity silt and low plasticity clay, calculated and analyzed the influence of horizontal principal stress σ3 to initial tangent modulus Ei and tangent modulus Et in Duncan-Chang model, summarized the influence law, in order to enhance the understanding of engineering staff to Duncan-Chang model, made analysis on more rational use of the model to soil.
Shanxi Architecture