目的 本文旨在探讨糖尿病合并脑卒中患者与非糖尿病合并脑卒中患者在致病因素、临床表现、治疗与愈后存在的差别。方法 本文对 4 4例糖尿病合并症方面进行比较。结果 经统计学处理对比分析 ,两组存在显著差异。结论 指出糖尿病为脑卒中的重要致病因素 ;预防和治疗糖尿病对减少脑卒中的发生具有重要意义。
Objective To discuss the differences on pathogenic factors, clinical manifestations, treatment and prognosis between diabetes mellitus combined with cerebral stroke and cerebral stroke without diabetes. Methods 44 cases of cerebral stroke combined with diabetes were compared with 60 cases cerebral stroke without diabetes in many aspects. Results There was a significant difference between two groups after statistical analysis. Conclusion Diabetes might be one of important pathogenic factors to cause cerebral stroke. Prevention and treatment of diabetes could be significant to reduce the happening of cerebral stroke.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal