目的 :探讨传统X线检查方法对儿童克隆病的诊断及其X线征象 ,以提高该病的X线检查诊断率。方法 :2 8例行肠系钡餐和 /或钡灌肠检查诊断为克隆病的患儿 ,经手术和病理学确诊 13例。比较各种X线检查方法的诊断特异性及分析儿童克隆病的X线特征。结果 :肠系钡餐对克隆病的诊断特异性为 3 6.3 % ,钡灌肠为 2 0 .0 % ,两者联合应用诊断特异性显著提高达 66.7%。儿童克隆病的X线特征易与肠结核、淋巴瘤混淆。结论 :加强对儿童克隆病的重视 ,提高对X线征象的认识 ,以及联合应用肠系钡餐及钡灌肠检查方法将有助于克隆病诊断率的提高。
Objective:To evaluate the diagnosis of Crohn's disease in children with X ray examination.Methods:28 children were performed GI barium meal with small bowel following through and/or barium enema and diagnosed as Crohn's disease. Among them,13 were proved by surgery and pathology.A comparative study on the specifity of different X ray examinations was made and X ray features of Crohn's disease in children were analyzed.Results:The diagnostic specificity of Crohn's disease was 36.3% by GI barium meal with small bowel following through and 20.0% by barium enema. The diagnostic specificity in GI barium meal with small bowel following through together with barium enema was improved up to 66.7%.The X ray appearance of Crohn's disease in children was easily confused with that of tuberculosis of small bowel and lymphoma.Conclusion:To pay attention to Crohn's disease in children and improve the understanding of X ray features of Crohn's disease in children,the combined use of GI barium meal with small bowel following through and double contrast barium enema will be helpful to improve the diagnostic accuracy.
Radiologic Practice