
宗教的科学解释——以宗教认知科学为例 被引量:2

The Scientific Explanation of Religion—— Taking Cognitive Science of Religion for Instance
摘要 作为宗教科学解释的典型代表,宗教认知科学将宗教起源与传播的原因归结为人类复杂的认知机制,在保持客观性与实证性的同时,构筑了一种超越历史与文化的具有普遍适用性的宗教认知理论。笔者以为,作为一门以"解释宗教"为学术旨趣的学科,宗教认知科学应更广泛吸纳文化等因素以确保其解释的科学性。尽管宗教所寻求的合理性不会因宗教的科学解释而消解,但在科学的语境下,宗教转换存在方式并寻求与科学兼容是一种现实选择。 As the typical representative of scientific explanation of religion, Cognitive Science of Religion attributes the origin and spread of religion to the complex cognitive mechanism of human being. It maintains objectivity and empirical nature, at the same time, it constructs a universally applicable cognitive theory of religion. I think, as a subject to explain religion, cognitive science of Religion should take advantage of more experience such as culture to ensure its scientificalness. Although the rationality that religion searches for doesn't eliminate because of the scientific explanation of religion, but, in the context of science, the convert of the way of existence of religion and to be compatible with science is a kind of realistic choice.
作者 王智慧
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期28-34,共7页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 解释宗教 宗教认知科学 进化适应 副产品 文化 Explaining Religion Cognitive Science of Religion By-product Evolutionary adaptation Culture
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