现代安防监控系统主要是指数字高清监控系统,一般可以分解为三大部分:前端数字高清摄像机、存储设备、传输设备。现在前端摄像机越来越倾向高清化、IP化,而存储及传输设备以数字视频的压缩、传输、存储和播放为核心,实现分级存储、集中管理。本文就安防监控系统实际的应用中采用数据挖掘技术,对如何架设规模化的SAN(Storage Area Network)存储区域网络来保存庞大的录像资料进行选择并提出推荐意见。
Modern security monitoring system is a digital HDMI monitoring system which can be divided into three parts: front HDMI camera, storage equipment and transmission equipments. The front camera is developing towards high-definition and IP-based. And the storage and transmission equipments realize hierarchical storage and centralized management via compressing, transferring, storing and playing digital videos. This paper is going to discuss how to build scaled storage space to place huge volume of video footages in the practical application of airport security monitoring system. This paper provides suggestions with regards to the choice about how to store huge volume of video footages within the scaled SAN storage network based on the data mining technology in the practical application of security monitoring system.
Bulletin of Science and Technology