介绍了复吹转炉两炉双联法工艺在福建三钢闽光股份有限公司高碳钢生产中的应用,分别探讨了脱磷炉和脱碳炉的冶炼工艺参数和应用效果。脱磷炉顶吹供氧强度为2.0-2.7 m3/(t·min),冶炼时间7-10 min,石灰加入量平均为33.3 kg/t,平均炉渣碱度为1.51,底吹供气强度0.25m3/(t·min),温度控制在1 330-1 351℃。脱磷炉半钢平均磷质量分数为0.028 4%,平均碳质量分数为3.04%,平均脱磷率可达67.7%。脱碳炉采用少渣冶炼和高拉碳操作,供氧强度4.0m3/(t·min),底搅供气强度0.13 m3/(t·min),石灰平均加入量为13.8 kg/t,脱碳炉一倒钢水平均磷质量分数为0.013%,平均碳质量分数为0.21%,实现了低磷、高碳出钢的冶金效果。脱碳炉采用锰矿熔融还原工艺,锰矿加入量为4-6 kg/t,平均锰回收率可达46.3%,高拉碳条件下终点平均锰质量分数可达0.303%。复吹转炉两炉双联法冶炼工艺应用于高碳钢生产,实现了低磷、高碳出钢和锰矿的熔融还原,达到了预期的冶炼效果。
The present paper introduced the practice of duplux process in two converters in Sansteel Minguang Co.,Ltd.,Fujian for 65 steel production.And dephosphorization and decarburization process parameters and application results were discussed.The process parameters in dephosphorization furnace were blowing oxygen intensity 2.0-2.7m3/(t min),blowing time 7-10 min,average lime charge 33.3 kg/t,average basicity 1.51,bottom stirring gas intensity 0.25 m3/(t·min)and end-point temperature 1 330-1 351℃.The semi-steel average phosphorus mass fraction could be decreased to 0.028 4% and average carbon mass fraction was 3.04%.The average dephosphorization degree was 67.7%.Less slag blowing and catching carbon were used in decarburization furnace with the process parameters of oxygen intensity 4.0m3/(t·min),bottom stirring gas intensity 0.13 m3/(t·min),average lime charge 13.8 kg/t.At the endpoint of blowing,the average phosphorus mass fraction was 0.013%,the average carbon mass fraction was 0.21%,which realized tapping at low phosphorus and high carbon contents.Smelting reduction process with manganese ore was realized in decarburization furnace and manganese ore charge was 4-6 kg/t.The average manganese recovery rate of 46.3%,and under the catching carbon process the average manganese mass fraction was 0.303% at the endpoint.The application of high carbon steel production with duplex process in two converters realized the tapping at low phosphorus high carbon contents and manganese ore smelting reduction,and expected blowing results had been obtained.
De-P furnace
De-C furnace
dephosphorization process
high carbon steel smelting
duplux process in two converters