
基于带宽请求预测和云资源预留的视频移植策略 被引量:1

Video migration strategy based on bandwidth demand prediction and cloud resource reservation
摘要 提出云辅助P2P-VoD架构下的视频移植策略。首先根据P2P特性预测每视频频道的用户带宽请求数,为视频移植提供依据。而后设计了最小预留带宽的云带宽资源申请算法,利用较小的开销代价满足VoD服务实时性要求。最后设计了移植策略,决定如何进行视频移植。实验结果表明,提出的策略能够在费用开销和用户满意度之间取得较好的平衡。 A video migration strategy which is used in P2P-VoD architecture is presented. First it predicts the bandwidth demands of users in each video channel according to the P2P characteristic. And it gives a basis for migrating videos. Then an algorithm of applying cloud resources which is based on the minimum bandwidth reservation is proposed. It satisfies the real-time of VoD service with the costs as low as possible. Finally the video migration strategies are designed to determine the methods of migration videos. The simulation results indicate that the proposed strategy can get good trade-off between costs and user satisfaction.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期167-174,共8页 Journal on Communications
基金 中央高校基本科研创新计划专项基金资助项目(2013RC1102) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61121061) “新一代宽带无线移动通信网”科技重大专项基金资助项目(2012ZX03002008-002-03) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)基金资助项目(2011CB302506)~~
关键词 带宽请求预测 资源预留 移植策略 云辅助P2P-VoD架构 bandwidth demand prediction resource reservation migration strategy cloud-assisted P2P-VoD
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