为探讨重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi)鳞片发育规律,采用茜素红饱和中性水溶液染色法和组织学方法观察了实验室养殖的重口裂腹鱼稚鱼鳞片发生和覆盖过程。结果显示,重口裂腹鱼鳞片开始发生和覆盖完成的时间分别为出膜后第62天和第110天。鳞片覆盖过程中,出现的6个鳞片发生的起始位置(出现时间)依次为鳃盖后缘侧线处(出膜后62天)、尾柄中部侧线处(出膜后71天)、臀鳍基部(出膜后79天)、腹鳍基部(出膜后83天)、背鳍基部前缘(出膜后91天)和峡部(出膜后104天)。组织学观察结果表明,鳞片发育主要经历了形态发生早期、形态发生晚期、分化早期、分化晚期和鳞片折叠期5个阶段。鳞被覆盖过程中,鳞被覆盖率(CR,%)与日龄(D,d)和体长(L,mm)的关系分别为:CR=-0.001 4D3+0.357 3D2-28.408 0D+712.78(拟合度判定系数R2=0.980 5,n=77,P<0.000 1),CR=0.007 7L3-0.944 4L2+43.092 0L-634.35(拟合度判定系数R2=0.508 4,n=77,P<0.000 1),鳞被覆盖率与日龄显著相关(r=0.984,P<0.000 1),与体长的相关性较低(r=0.771,P<0.000 1),这表明重口裂腹鱼鳞片发生和覆盖与日龄关系密切。这些研究结果丰富了重口裂腹鱼早期发育生物学资料,有助于了解其在系统学和功能形态学上的特征。
To determine the pattern of scale formation, scale morphology, growth and squamation chronology were described for the Davids's Schizothoracin (Schizothorax davidi) reared in the laboratory condition, using alizarin red staining and histology methods. The data analysis was performed by the software of Microsoft Excel 2010 and bivariable analysis of SPSS17.0. The onset and completion of scale formation occurred at the 62 and 110 days pos thatching (dph) (Fig. 1 and 2), respectively. The onset of six locations of scale development occurred in the 62 day at the lateral line near the posterior border of gill cover, in the 71 day at the lateral line near the middle of caudal peduncle, in the 79 day at the base of anal fin, in the 83 day atthe base of pelvic fin, in the 91day at the base of dorsal fin, and the 104 day at the isthmus (Fig. 1 and 2), respectively. Furthermore, the histology analysis distinguished five steps in the scale formation and development as early morphogenesis, late morphogenesis, early differentiation, late differentiation and scale fold (Fig. 3 ). Therelationship between scale coverage rate (CR, % ) and days post hatching (D, d) was (L, mm) were CR = - 0.001 4D^3 + 0. 357 3D^2 - 28. 408 0D + 712.78 ( coefficient of determination R^2 = 0. 980 5, n = 77, P〈0. 00 1) (Fig. 4a), between scale coverage rate and body length was CR =0.007 7L^3 -0.9444L^2 + 43. 0920L -634.35 (coefficient of determination R^2 =0.508 4, n =77, P〈0.0001) (Fig. 4b), by regression analysis, respeetively. By bivariable analysis, the scales coverage rate were significantly associated with age ( r = 0. 984, P 〈 0. 000 1 ) , and low correlation was between scales coverage rate and body length ( r = 0. 771, P 〈 0. 000 1 ). The results of this study suggested that the scale development and squamation chronology in Davids's Sehizothoracin closely related to age. These knowledge may be useful in understanding of the systematies, functional morphology and habi
Chinese Journal of Zoology
Schizothorax davidi
Scale development
Squamation chronology