
联合国与全球气候变化治理:问题与应对 被引量:3

United Nations and Global Climate Change Governance: Problems and Response
摘要 联合国框架下的全球气候变化治理经历40多年的发展,确立了基本的治理框架,取得了一些治理成果。但是联合国作为主要的协调中心与治理主体却在治理进程中面临治理结构松散、治理能力不足、地位逐渐被边缘化的困境。因此,联合国需要从机制、能力、理念、角色定位等几个维度来提升整体治理能力、建构综合性的治理框架以应对各种挑战,并推动全球气候变化治理走出现有困境,实现全面有效治理。 The global climate change governance under the framework of the United Nations has developed more than 40 years, It has established the basic governance framework, also has made some achievements. But as the main coordination center and governance body in the process of governance, the United Nations is facing plight, such as loose governance structure, lack of governance capacity, gradually marginalized status. So the United Nations needs to response from several dimensions, such as from mechanisms capacities, ideas, the role of positioning to enhance overall governance capacity and construct a comprehensive governance framework, in order to address the challenges of climate change and promote global governance out of the woods, in implementing a comprehensive and effective governance.
作者 石晨霞
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期161-167,共7页 Socialism Studies
基金 中国博士后基金面上资助项目"联合国框架下的全球气候变化治理模式转型研究"(2013M541437)
关键词 气候变化 全球治理 联合国 Climate Change Global Governance United Nations
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