
撤军后的阿富汗:中亚的机遇还是梦魇 被引量:2

Afghanistan after Withdraw of U.S Troops: Opportunity or Nightmare in Central Asia
摘要 到2014年年底,驻扎在阿富汗的北约国际安全援助部队(ISAF)将按计划撤出。这一年将成为地区力量平衡再次发生变化的重要节点,相关大国的全球及地区战略力量配置调整、中亚地区国家政治和经济转型进入关键阶段、中亚各国间矛盾冲突加剧、宗教极端主义思潮泛起等,诸多地缘政治因素同时活跃释放出的能量汇集中亚,将对这一地区的稳定与安全构成挑战。经历了23年独立建国历程的中亚五国正沿着各自选择的不同道路发展,中亚地缘政治版图的重新构建更趋多元化。面对这样一个充满挑战和考验的时段,中亚地区能否经受住北约联军撤出阿富汗所带来的一系列失衡和震荡,文本试图从可能影响中亚地区安全的几种主要因素入手,尝试分析这一地区未来形势。 By the end of 2014,NATO International Security Aid Force stationed to Afghanistan will withdraw on schedule. The year will become an important juncture of rebalancing regional forces,realignment of global and regional strategic force in relevant powers,political and economic transition into critical stage in central-Asian countries, aggravating clashes and contradic- tions between one country and another, rising tide of religious extremism challenging the established system in the region and beyond,multiple geo-political factors release energy simultaneously in central Asia, posing a threat to the regional stability and security. Five central-Asian countries which became independent 23 years ago, are taking their chosen roads and central-Asia geo-political domain is being reshaped towards.Facing such a challenging and demanding period, the Centeral Asian region can withstand the withdrawal of NATO forces in Afghanistan brought a series of imbalances and shocks, the text tries to several main factors that may affect the regional security from possible stat, trying to analyze the future situation in the region.
作者 许涛
出处 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期75-82,2,共8页 Journal of Xinjiang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 国际关系 中亚 阿富汗 撤军 安全形势 上海合作组织 International Relation Central Asia Afghanistan Withdraw of Troops Security situation The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
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